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21:08 - 23.03.03
Whose your kitty!!!!???!
I have lost the pizza fairy in an internet cafe. He is among the rows. I should find him and find the metro and find the last bus and get my butt back to the B&B. But instead I am writing. Because I forgot to say that I would be gone until the 26th in Rome. Italy that is.

The weather has been beautiful. The internet access is plentiful and everyone speaks english. Which is good because while I have some French down I have no Italian. Rome is far friendlier to the english speaker.

I was chased by a gypsy. This was after the bank machine ate my card and I had generally had a sleepless night worrying about getting it back so she didn't frighten me much. It took me a second or two to realize the 1) she was chasing me and 2) she was probably giving me the evil eye for no apparent reason.

Rome is full of cats. I gave about $20 to the homeless cats of rome. Nothing to the beggars.

Rome is full of bad eighties music. Right now? "Always something there to remind me." Soon I will be singing and dancing in the rows of the internet cafe and then The Pizza Fairy will find me.

But now I have to go and pee. Peeing is my favorite activity in Rome. I base that on it's frequency. Pizza keeps eating and drinking and I have to go to the bathroom. I think it is the gypsy's curse.

There is the Pizza fairy. He found me. Now I go!




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