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02:06 - 14.05.05
growley angry mudgirl
I did not share that I have a new descriptive word. I could not find a word in my made up word family for mad. I tried different ones on for size but nothing really fit.

Then a patient of mine used the word menthol when she meant mental. She was describing her roommate and she said

"She's really menthol. You know what I mean? She's just crazy. Crazy and mean. Absolutely menthol."

Now if this was anyone below the age of eighty I might have thought they meant to say menthol for mental, but as she's eighty-three, I think it was a mistake. However I loved the idea;

"Don't make me get menthol on your ass!"
"Man, he just made me menthol!"

Crazy cool mad. Yep. I liked it.

Well being away I haven't checked much on diaryland.
I know that awhile back my counter stopped working and I had to replace it.
I know that somewhere along the way my guestbook stopped emailing me when someone sighed it, and I have to admit that mobius had mentioned a problem with his old entries, but he told me that was fixed.
I know that my old entries were there not too long ago because a friend of mine found the site and told me he had read them, but I just checked and they are for the most part all gone.
And I don't have back-ups. All that writing, gone.

Menthol doesn't even begin to describe it. I know its my own fault for not having back ups but this has always been for fun, not a serious endeavor. I think I thought that if this happened that it would be the hand of fate or that great literary critic in the sky saying loud and clear
"Your stuff is crap!"
but arrgh! shit! I mean WTF mates!

stupid kangaroos....



(of course I am as we speak not backing this up or anything else that still remains. Can you say dumb bitch children? I knew you could.....)


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