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21:18 - 08.05.05
Days of Being Mild
Entries written over the last few months �unworthy and unposted, kind of like deleted scenes filler on a DVD version of Mudgirl! The Movie.


Late last night I was watching a movie in which the bad words were dubbed with alternatives, and as I listened to a woman call her husband a no-good revenge filled melon farmer, I knew that I had sunk too deeply into the land of bad TV to ever be saved by cable missionaries or dish planet shaman.

I live now in the land of bad TV to prepare myself to going to the land of bad TV and radio where I will be cut off from all that is edgy and hip. At least now I have good music choices or at the very least more music choices, and campy TV such as the son of svengoolie and get smart reruns. The town of thieves has none of that. I plan to start talking funny and liking football to blend and if I don�t start dulling my mind now they will know the truth of my cosmopolitan background and stone me to death, or maybe have the Bus run over me repeatedly while yelling Go Steelers!

Not that I mind all that much truthfully. I have a beautiful new house that no one will ever come to see me in so it will be bittersweet. I will enjoy it immensely and wonder what all my old friends and family are doing without me. Sure they say they will come but we all know they lie, those them, those darn melon farmers. And I don�t blame them. How often have I visited Erna in Arkansas, Kim in Phoenix, Monica in Texas, Beth, or my brother, S-I-L, and nephews in Michigan? We reap what we sow. Patrick will come. He visits. Susan will come, maybe. She is pregnant and there will be that to contend with. My mom will come, but the others I will see them when I come back in and some of them not even then. There are those who even while I am here have no further use for me. In their minds I am already gone. I am realistic. I miss them and their friendship but what can you do. You can only call so much and maybe it is that I am the one who has always been too busy and unreachable. Who knows?

I have been away for a while. I think it is funny that diaryland counts down the days since you last updated until some point where Andrew says with his cryptic --over three months��look, why are you bothering? This person isn�t updating! They�re gone! Adios! Get on with your life!� I get panicky when I see it. I want to write, �no wait! I�m just busy�.� But is that any better? Not so much. I have been busy however. I sold my house, bought a new one, moved into my mom�s and started remodeling her house because I have a disease Gregory calls feng-shui imbalance. I prefer to think of myself as a decorating superhero whose fatal weakness is exposure to bad chi. I protect myself whenever possible and when impossible I shut my eyes and sing la-la-la-la-la, which is fine if you are standing around in one place or you have a seeing eye dog but hell if the bad chi is where you live and you have to get dressed in the morning. So I redecorated my mother�s house. At least the one bedroom and then I sold my soul to the TV.

TV loves me even if no one else does. And now I see why people become 400lbs. TV is evil. Of course I thought I would have all this time to do stuff. Write letters, choreograph my cat circus, teach myself Portuguese, learn to play the piano, understand quantum physics, get in shape, compose an opera about working in the nursing home, you know the typical unrealistic stuff. But then I discovered TV. The people who have TVs in every room of the house, how do they get anything done? I find myself watching things that are below the lowest common denominator and I find myself wondering what happens next.


DVDs�my new religion, have taken over for TV. I have graduated from bad TV to even worse movies and I have taken my mother with me. The bathroom is done, My feng-shui empire continues to grow. I have only the front bedroom to do and then the world! HA HAHAHAHA.

Greg suggests that I make a career out of psychological feng-shui. Go into people�s houses, live in the space to be remodeled and then design a psychologically balanced and soothing remodel. Everyone loves the bathroom but I�m not sure I could get people to buy into the idea of me living with them and I can�t really do any remodeling without living there for some time. It is a quandary. A big huge stone quandary. I rewarded myself for starting the bathroom and giving up TV by buying my mother a DVD player, ostensibly so I could rent good movie on the occasions that I might rent. I recently rented Alien VS Predator. How low the mighty have sunk.


I recently received two CDs, a month a part and I have been listening to them non-stop, One was the Garden State Soundtrack, and the other was Franz Ferdinand. I love them. You should listen to them. Now. You should love them too. Now. I�m serious. Right Now. Don�t make me come there and live in your house until you do. I�m not above doing that to get my way.

You know what else I love? Because they sent me said CDs. It�s this weird new little music club where for 5.99 a month they send you a CD. Brandy-new and whatever you want. You pick out a list give them you credit card and the just send you one a month off of your list. The reason I like it is because I forget about it and then in the mail I get a CD just like a gift and it�s exactly what I want. Plus 5.99 is nothing, there�s nothing to download and I don�t have to worry about the quality or the record company coming after me and the artist gets paid. All around good times. They don�t have everything I want but they have some things that have been impossible to find a quality download of and I figure the selection will keep growing if others use it too. There are other things about it like you can rank order your list and you can order things and pay for them immediately and get them immediately and those are only 5.99 too (except for a couple of double sets that are 11.98) and there are no shipping charges. How cool is that!??!!!?


Media is the devil. I know this now. I have acknowledged it, I just cannot get away from it. It is too late for me. Save yourselves. I am so lucky I don�t have cable because apparently Media wants my soul. I was in love with my new CDs and that plan and never having to listen to the radio again except in between CDs when the radio stations in this area decided to start playing cool music. One day I heard Romeo Void, Fugazi, Rage, U2, Clash, Sex Pistols, Police, Cure, Depeche Mode, NIN and Weezer all in a row. My little head will probably explode soon. I wonder if I can get it streamed in Pittsburgh? Afterall it�s not like I plan to have a life there or anything.


The bathroom guy, who really did a great job got a bleeding ulcer after my job and can�t do the other bathroom. This should not be interpreted as meaning that I am such a bitch to work for I give people bleeding ulcers, but this is a definite crimp in my feng-shui empire building. I wonder if any of Martha�s people are available. They�re used to working for um-a demanding woman. Should be a perfect fit.



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