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12:31 - 27.02.03
the water's fine
Hello! It is I mudgirl! Behold I write in my diary! I should be at work but I am not.

I don�t wanna go to work. I wanna play hooky. I have no one to play hooky with. I am sad.


Remember me?

I feel like my life has taken a detour. I�ve been thinking about this a lot without much resolution.

I�m not sure I know where I�m going

I�m not sure I�m supposed to.



I know the difference between love and lust.

I know what is happening.

Hi. I�m standing on a precipice about to fall. I am standing on a diving board, arms spread waiting to fall backwards and I haven�t checked to see if the pool is filled.


wanna come swimming with me?



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